Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I can see this can be exciting technology if I had access to receiving some of the podcasts I was interested in. For this exercise I found little sites where I could use a free rss to complete the task. But I managed to put NPR: Books Podcast on my bloglines and this could be a useful tool for library work.

1 comment:

Ann Kingman said...

Hi waveney,
More and more podcasters will put a player into a blog post that will allow you to listen to the podcast right from your computer. You shouldn't need to pay for any access to podcasts, unless it's a special 'subscription only' podast, of which there are only few.

To see what I mean, go to, click on the 'podcasts' tab, and take a look. You can listen to all of our podcasts right there by hitting the "play" button.

If you subscribe to the blog feed through your RSS reader (Google Reader or Bloglines,for example), you will also have a player right in your feed reader, and you can listen from there.

Hope this is helpful.
